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Malcolm Stemp, an osteopath and homoeopath for 40 years and also a past lecturer in osteopathy at Oxford University says of the technique: "A great truth. It answers all the Laws of natural medicine, namely, that the body be treated as a whole without reference to named disease."

INFANT COLIC - boy, aged 4 months 1 treatment
J was suffering from severe colic after meals, which was distressing for him and for his parents. During the Bowen treatment, the baby seemed to relax completely. After this one treatment he had no further colic.

SPORTS INJURY - man, aged 23 4 treatments
As a cricketer and rugby player, H's left leg was in a brace following cartilage removal and damage to the AC ligament. His right leg was in plaster nearly to the knee due to further ligament problems and he was on anti-inflammatory tablets. Some severe pain followed the first Bowen treatment and the left knee became temporarily more swollen. However, after four treatments the hospital verdict was that the knees were now very stable and that a further anticipated operation would no longer be necessary.

PAIN: LOWER BACK INTO HIPS & KNEE - woman, aged 26 3 treatments
F is a very tall (6'2") nursery nurse and works with tiny people and furniture all day. She has had this problem for 2 - 3 years. MRI scans had not revealed any cause for the pains and physiotherapy treatment had been to no avail. After the second Bowen treatment she said "it is 99% better than it was". After three treatments, the problems were completely gone and the resolution holding.

SCIATICA - man, aged 40 1 treatment
P was unable to put weight on his right foot and was in severe pain from the buttock right down the leg. He was extremely tense and tight. The therapist gave him one treatment, observing p's body relaxing during the 40 minutes of the treatment. He was virtually pain free when he got up and was walking normally. Two years later, the problem has not returned.

ARTHRITIS, WHIPLASH AND FALL - woman, aged 58 series of treatments
J is overweight with arthritis in both knees (for 23 years) which had spread to her neck, right foot and right hand. She had also had a whiplash injury twice and fell at work 11 years ago, pulling the ligaments from the backbone to the hips. Her job requires her to do quite a lot of lifting and carrying. After a few weeks of Bowen treatment her knees were much better. Following treatment on her hamstrings the results were amazing. She couldn't remember when she last had that amount of flexibility in her knees. Further treatments brought the same results to other parts of her body. Headaches due to the arthritis are also gone.

FROZEN SHOULDER - man, aged 62 3 treatments
D arrived with a frozen shoulder that had restricted his natural arm movement to less than 20% of normal. The shoulder was exceedingly painful to lie on and as an active man keen on amateur dramatics, it was making life difficult. He was seen three times, after which the shoulder had returned to 100% range of movement with no further pain.

INJURY AFTER FALL - woman, aged 80. 5 treatments
When B was 73 she had a bad fall from a ladder which broke under her and a piece of it went through her left leg. A steel plate had to be attached to her leg with thick screws. When B first went for Bowen treatment, her left knee was solid, swollen, red and hot. With the first treatment, the swelling went down noticeably, the skin colour was normal and she could see her ankles! Two weeks later, she arrived for a second treatment with some swelling and redness which had returned, but was not as severe as it had been. From then on the improvement was steady and without relapse. After five treatments, the leg was very much better and she could wear normal shoes and sandals again.

Please Note
The Bowen Technique is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. If in doubt please consult your Doctor

© Body Harmony International 2006-08